Poor poker face? Try this ...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tensions were high. Everyone had a straight face except for one. You. Have you ever played poker and not been able to contain your excitement or your sadness? It happens to the best of us, so here's how you beat it!

Relax. No matter how much money you are playing for, remember that it is a game. Clear your mind. Not only will you play better, but you will be one step closer to a good poker face. Just relax-let everything fall into place.

Talk as normally as possible. When you are betting and talking, it is easy to tell how someone is feeling by the way that they talk. So again, relax. When it comes down to you and someone else, try to psych them out. Have a mischievous gleam in your eye and a "you are so on" look in your eyes as well. Don't let it show on your face, let your eyes to the talking.
Maintain an emotionless, apathetic demeanor. You want a tough, "I-play-poker-all-the-time-rookie" expression that says that you are the boss. Imagine that you are the big, scary company boss, and the other players are the interns. Keep focused & be mysterious. However, if you are just playing a family game for bragging rights and cookies, feel free to loosen up a little. Keep a straight face no matter what. It goes back to relaxation.

Win gracefully. It is down to you and another person. (S)he lays down his/her cards. You see that you have won. It's acceptable to smile a little and have a "It-is-all-over" look. Remember, it is just a game—don't go overboard.

Lose with pride. Whether it is as the beginning of a game, or when it is just you and another person, lose with pride. You can even smile as if it were all according to plan. But again, if it is with your family, relax - you lost, oh well.

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